How to know and help your team overcome procrastination and disorganization

You are knowing that how to develop your Organization thus we are sharing that Procrastination and disorganization are common challenges that can affect the productivity, quality, and morale of your team. As a supervisor, you have a responsibility to help your team overcome these obstacles and achieve their goals. Here are some of the best ways to do that.

Encourage Open Communication: Foster an environment where team members feel comfortable communicating challenges or roadblocks. Open communication helps identify issues early on, allowing for timely solutions and preventing procrastination.

Promote a Positive Work Environment: A positive and supportive work environment can significantly impact productivity. Recognize and celebrate achievements, provide constructive feedback, and create a culture that values collaboration and teamwork.

I think this is an area where leading by example is key – on several occasions I’ve seen team leaders who were technically brilliant, but totally disorganised when it came to planning their time an so the team followed suit. Important to be honest with yourself and see if your planning and time management could be better and then use that exercise to help your team.

Remember that only structuring a win-win type of game can properly motivate personnel. If we look at it from another angle; Your employees are like your customers that you want to encourage them to plan and avoid wasting time and in return use your operational package. Therefore, emphasize the aspects that benefit them and find out what they are looking for and what they need in the company to find more motivation by solving it.

I have found that one of the best things from Agile is the daily stand up concept and think this works well for all project types whether Agile or not. It doesn’t have to be daily, frequency should depend on the project type, but a regular, brief check in on what each person has achieved since the last meeting and what they are going to achieve before the next can really help overcoming procrastination as it gives both a “public” set of mini-deadlines for people and getting them to state what they are working on next helps with the ownership and accountability mentioned above.

Here’s what else to consider

It is of course important to have clear goals, but if they are all dull, if the result doesn’t matter, then why would your team get organised and get to work? So focus more on clear purpose, not just clear goals, and get passionate about them yourself.

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